Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Road Rage

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Okay, okay, okay…listen...listen…I  mean look (whatever), is it just me or is our country becoming more and more like driving in a third world country? I haven’t traveled a whole lot but I did get to visit Argentina once.  There is no regard for stop signs or street lights and what are those lines painted on the asphalt?  I mean, sure you can fit four cars across on a two lane road, so why not? Whoever is the biggest vehicle, of course, should go first and if anyone dare walk out into traffic they are simply out of luck.   Ordinary individuals use their own vehicles to “taxi” people and let’s just say the “Tower of Terror” has nothing on these guys.  Your life flashes before your eyes repeatedly in one single ride.  On the corners of most roads, there are peddlers who feebly attempt to empty your pockets as you briefly stop by “entertaining” you.  (Don’t get me wrong, it is a gorgeous country with super friendly people and the food-magnifico!  Perhaps they need a Driver’s Ed missionary to be called there, probably would save lives. J )

Now back to our beautiful country, we do somewhat seem to notice that there are a few rules to follow but an alarming number of drivers think that they are merely suggestions, not requirements.  I am a pretty mild-mannered person but sometimes the stress of driving in heavy traffic just wears my nerves thin.  I am a cautious driver and try to leave a “safe” distance between myself and the driver in front of me.  Well, can I tell you what happens when I do so? Yes, that’s right someone thinks that I have left them an invitation to jump in front of me, thus causing me to brake and pray for their safety (if you know what I mean).  
I have often watched as cars play “chicken” with a train. Those flashing lights and bars, mean race around at a super high speed, right?  Is it worth your life to arrive a few minutes earlier? Not to say I enjoy waiting on trains especially when they crawl like sloths but I do prefer to be in one piece when I arrive at my destination. I am weird that way.

Road trips? Well, to avoid the “are we there yet?”, “I’m hungry”, “I gotta go to the bathroom”, I usually try to travel when my kids have other plans for the weekend.  I find myself traveling at night, because traffic is usually calmer and it’ more relaxing.  Too relaxing, sometimes, I have to remind myself to stay awake from the monotony.  When I was younger, I was a night owl but now that I work early, not so much.   So I get super tired at night, one time while driving to visit my parents, I saw BIG FOOT right in the middle of the road.  Just a little tip, don’t drive while you are exhausted, you might, just might see things that aren’t actually there, or was he?    

Another recent predicament is yes, I am going to say it, TEXTING, while driving.  So there you are cruising down the road and the driver in front of you is swerving in and out of their lane. Once upon a time you might have thought that it was a drunk driver but now, it’s Grandma trying to text and drive. What a deadly combination!  Ok, and that doesn’t mean that you teenagers because you know where all the keys are located are any better.   Put the phone down and watch the road!

I said all that to say this….

How about some writing ideas!

*What is the best/worst road trip you have been on? (Real or imaginary)

*Have you ever been pulled over by Officer Friendly?  How did that end up?

*What is the craziest thing you’ve seen someone do while driving?

*Have you ever been in an accident or watched one happen?

*What would it be like if we really did have those cool cars like in “Back to the Future”?

*If you were a car, which one would you be and why?

Hope you are all doing well! I miss you guys! Drive Safe and Have a great week!

~Lisa M. Crosby


  1. Great blog, wise words mixed with a little humor.

  2. My first car was a used, green Chrysler Cordoba. The gas gauge did not work. One time, I ran out of gas on top of the Mathews Bridge. Really! Luckily, my soon-to-be brother-in-law was behind me, and he pushed my car with his until we made it safely to the bottom shoulder of the bridge. I was a goofy college kid at the time and thought the whole episode was hilarious!
