Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Prompts: Love Them or Hate Them?

May 20, 2014

I enjoy many things about CCWW, but if had to pick one favorite part, it would be writing to prompts. 

Here’s why.

A Sense of Discovery

I love writing to prompts because they provide a sense of wonder. I might have images or thoughts in mind when I first read the prompt, but when I write, my piece morphs into something unexpected. 

Last year, for example, we had a prompt about a hardware store. I loved hearing the different directions writers took their pieces. I started a story about a woman returning to a small town. She visits the hardware store and reconnects with a friend from her youth. I ended up continuing the story for several weeks. Who knows? I may turn the piece into something longer. 

A File Full of Writing

Writing to prompts challenges me to produce something fresh each week. When I look back in the CCWW file on my computer, I’m delighted by how many pieces (even if they’re rough drafts or short pieces) I collect there during our six-week sessions.

I have included several CCWW prompt-based pieces in queries or portfolios. Just last month, I updated my portfolio before meeting a potential client. Several pieces I included started as responses to CCWW-based prompts. 

A Chance to Experiment

Writing to prompts allows me to try my wings with new ideas and different genres. I have a hard time deciding which genre of writing I like best. I love them all-poetry, drama, non-fiction and fiction. I also love learning about each genre through writing because for me, the act of writing helps me clarify my thinking. 

This past year, I wrote quite a bit of poetry based on CCWW prompts. For me, poetry is fast and deep. It offers both writer and reader an emotional hit. There’s freedom in poetry, too. Fixed form or free verse? Rhyming or not? Humorous or sorrowful? I love the chance prompts give me to mix and remix over and over.  

What about You?

Do you enjoy writing to prompts? Why or why not?

Have you shared any of your CCWW prompt-based pieces anywhere else?

What prompts have you enjoyed most?

Do you have suggestions for prompts in the future?

We’d love to hear from you! Please comment below or shoot me an e-mail.

Have a great week.


1 comment:

  1. I, for one, do enjoy the writing prompts. They challenge me to write about something that I probably would have never written about otherwise.
    Many writing club members when writing to the prompts try to take the prompt somewhere very unexpected. It is always fun to hear the different takes on the same prompt.
