Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Are those real emotions or just my hormones???

Hmmmm, interesting question, huh?  Of course, I am a woman of a certain age, as I have heard it described.  Therefore, when I am angry, irritated or weepy, I must stop, reflect and consider what is the real problem?  Am I truly angry at the person or situation, or have I done something to put myself in the predicament?  Or is it my hormones causing my lack of patience?

Whatever the real reason for the emotions that we experience, the bottom line is that we do actually experience them.  Have you contemplated how many different emotions you experience daily? 

Here are a few to consider: 

1. Irritation when the alarm wakes you
2. Impatience while waiting for the microwave to finish
3. Fear when the car in front of you slams on brakes
4. Nervous when you realize the boss arrived to work before you…and you are 10 minutes late
5. Happiness when the clock strikes 5:00 
6. Love when you arrive home and see your family

Emotion is not a bad thing, but our response to the emotion can lead to unwanted consequences.  Journaling and writing about the emotions we experience are a positive and creative way of dealing with the stress of having those emotions.   Have you written a piece that deals with a particular difficult emotion? What about a piece that the goal is to elicit a specific emotion from your audience?  

This summer, how about writing a piece where you want your audience to experience a very specific emotion and then bring it to share at CCWW in the autumn to see if you succeeded?  

Until next time, happy writing!


1 comment:

  1. Great idea, Michele! I have journaled about various emotions before, but I never thought about writing a CCWW piece on one. Wonder which emotion I should choose...
