Friday, July 18, 2014

GiNormous Framilies!

Okay, so the English language isn’t complicated enough, let’s mess with it! We Americans are famous for marrying words and giving birth to a ‘new’ word.  Breakfast + lunch = brunch.  Gigantic + Enormous = Ginormous.  Friends + family = framily. Absolutely + positively = absitively or even posolutely.  Chill + relax = chillax.   I truly feel very sorry for anyone attempting to master our language.

First there’s our different dialects and our accents.  From the southern “Hey y'all” “Jeet?”  “Jew?” to the northern “Hey youse guys!” “fugedaboudit”.

Let’s not forget our ever changing slang.  “Chillin” “Ankle biter” “Juiced” “Trashed”.  When I was growing up the word “bad” was good and now apparently “sick” is the new “bad”.   My kids happily declare, “Man, that’s sick”, with a smile on their face.   It’s no wonder people get confused.

Then our grammar rules which only apply to SOME of the time.  Like the famous i before e except after c EXCEPT many words such as science, species, sufficient, their, weird, vein just to name a few.   And just try to figure our spelling out, it certainly isn’t fun-e-tic (phonetic).

Oh and those wonderful words that sound the same but mean completely different things.  Yes those words that spell-check and autocorrect just won’t catch like (new, knew) (to, too, two) (so, sew) (fowl, foul) (dew, do) (accept, except) (pray, prey) (mail, male) (bear, bare) and the like.

As tricky and complex as our language is, I do still love it.  My favorite games are word games such as Scattergories and Balderdash.  I love hearing new words and new ideas.  That is one of the things I most enjoy about our writing group.  Our writers can take just a few words and skillfully weave them into a story or poem.

When we read and discuss our pieces, we can even sometimes see our own writing in a new light.   When you write, you always assume that the reader is “on the same page” as you but often times that is not the case.  

Most importantly WRITE.  It doesn’t have to be a best seller, it doesn’t even have to be shared but it is in you and is begging to spilled onto the page.  Yes, you are busy. Yes, you are tired.  Yes, you have one million other things to do but it won’t happen if you don’t just do it.

So get busy, we will be seeing you soon.  Can’t wait to hear what you’ve been working on!

Have a Fantabulous week! (Yes, there I go messing with the language again!)

~Lisa M. Crosby

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