Saturday, July 12, 2014

Beachin' defines vacation as “a period of suspension of work, study, or other activity, usually used for rest, recreation, or travel; recess or holiday; freedom or release from duty, business, or activity.  Well!  I am all about that!  At least for the next four days…

Our plan is to beach it.  I am looking forward to this opportunity with my family with no time restraints and no deadlines.  No place to be, just having a few days open to do whatever, whenever we want. 

Want a towel on a chair in the sand by the sea
want to look thru my shades and see you there with me
Want to soak up life for a while
In laid back mode
No boss, no clock, no stress, no dress code 

Sounds good, right? It’s never going to happen and the reason is because of me!  I am almost incapable of putting the phone / blackberry / computer away.  However, my baby is entering her senior year of high school and this is the only opportunity we have as a family to get away before school begins.  Therefore, I am attempting to steer my OCD tendencies to more positive avenues.  I am going to trade my blackberry for a journal and take advantage of clearing my head and heart and cultivate fresh writing ideas.   

And it's sunshine, blue eyes, tan lines, slow tide rollin'
White sand, cold can, koozie in my hand, just a summertime strolling
Chillin', breezing, sippin', singin' whoa

A change in location is a wonderful way to change your attitude, leading to more creativity.  My goal, while catching up on some natural Vitamin D, is to direct my mind away from the daily grind and focus on developing a few characters and stories that have been lingering in the back of my thoughts. 

These changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes,
Nothing remains quite the same.
Through all of the islands and all of the highlands,
If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!  Try to get out, have some fun, leave the daily stress behind, make new friends, work on some fresh writing and enjoy Florida!

Hey that's the way we do it
New friends and blue skies that never end
Hey that's the way we like it

Good times, sunshine and summertime
Happy Summer!

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