Monday, February 4, 2013


January 24, 2013

Hello, writers,

Fifteen writers shared laughs and words on Tuesday evening at the Callahan library. 
Three visitors attended.  Please welcome Lisa, Mer and Chad to the group!

Here’s what happened…
We started the workshop with a warm-up exercise.  I’ll list them here in case you want to do them this week:

            Choose one of the following and write for 10 minutes:
1.                   Describe your favorite book.  Why is it your favorite?
2.                   Describe your life as a landscape.  Is it a beach scene?  A desert?  Mountains?
3.                   Write a scene with dialogue in which two characters argue over food.
4.                   Complete a free-write on anything

After a few members read their warm-ups, we introduced ourselves, shared information and began the critiques.  

Good News…
Shirley A. shared the Callahan Community Center’s new calendar.  The Center is located in the MCCI building across the street from Callahan Elementary.  More here:

Cheryl L. shared that local best-selling author, Charles Martin, is seeking book groups/clubs to read and discuss his latest novel, Unwritten.  If you’re part of a book group, please consider looking into this wonderful opportunity.  More information is on Martin’s web site here:

Overview of critiques...
Shirley began with a witty piece full of questions.  Turns out, she wrote it without using the letter –e.  Not so easy to do!  Cameron then shared a story set in Africa.  A cub receives a mark and must grapple with becoming a leader.  Oliver then read a short piece paying homage to trees. Members commented on his vivid imagery.  

Lori continued by reading a piece featuring a single mom and a young woman who wants to start her own business.  Her story had a good balance of dialogue and narration, and it showed the passage of time well.  Robert then shared a story of elves and the Round Table in Stonehenge.  His wolf-taur character worked.  Sandra then read from a fictional travel journal.  Her piece garnered laughs as we found out Rafael’s true colors.  Mom was right!

Connie K. then read “Emily’s Secrets.”  Based on Connie’s childhood, the story created suspense about the locked north bedroom.  I (Nancy) laughed every time I tried to read my poem called, “Pillars,” but thankfully, Karen read it for me.  Thanks, Karen!  It was a poem written from the perspective of a rock at Stonehenge. 

Betty then read a press release for her book “Be Lifted Up.”  Members gave her feedback on it.  Connie W. shared a piece featuring Mab from her persimmon story.  Members offered feedback to her after she read it.  Karen then read an imaginative piece full of facts about Stonehenge.  Michele ended the session with a continuation of her romance between Catherine and Wyatt.  Her syntax and imagery really worked.

Links of interest…
1.       Lori L. passed this along.  The Amelia Island Book Festival is coming up soon.  More information here…

2.      Several of you are interested in writing or publishing children’s books. publishes LOTS of children’s stories.  They are currently open for submissions.  Click on the “Submit” tab to find out more…

3.  There are currently many publishing opportunities with Harlequin.  Check them out here: 

Prompt for next week…
Prompt for next week is…at the hardware store.  You’re free to write in any genre you like (poetry, non-fiction, fiction or drama).  If you’d rather bring a WIP (work-in-progress), please do. 
Please bring something to share with the group.

Until Tuesday, January 29, happy writing!


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