Thursday, February 21, 2013

Curiosity Killed the Cat...

February 21, 2013

Hello, writers,

Twelve writers met at the Callahan library Tuesday evening.  The pieces ranged from poetry to fiction.  Many of us chose to write on the “curiosity killed the cat” prompt. 

Please note CCWW will not meet on Tuesday, February 26 and Tuesday, March 5.  Our second six-week session will run from Tuesday, March 12 through Tuesday, April 16.

Here’s what happened…

We started the workshop with a choice of warm-up exercises.  I’ll list them here in case you want to do them at home...

Choose one of the following prompts and write for ten minutes:
1.                  A myth explaining some natural phenomenon
2.                  Your childhood crush(es)
3.                  Your experience with sports or athletics
4.                  A free-write on anything

After a few members read their warm-ups, we introduced ourselves, shared information and began the critiques.  

Good News and Information Exchange…

CCWW is planning a Publication Party for Tuesday, April 16. In addition to eating yummy food, we’re preparing at least one publication-ready piece for submission to a magazine, a newspaper, an agent or a publisher.  Members may wish to start researching markets now.  Each CCWW-er will choose his or her piece and a publication.  Of course, it’s up to CCWW members to figure out the submission guidelines for the chosen publication-some ask for query letters while others ask for sample pages. 

Members are encouraged to submit more than one piece!  I’ll bring a few market research resources beginning in March.  Are you up to the challenge?

We gave writers a three-part assignment Tuesday night.  It is due when we return from break on Tuesday, March 12.   The three-part assignment is as follows:

1.       Select your piece(s).                                              
2.       Edit and revise your piece(s).
3.       Begin researching writing markets matching genre, tone, subject matter, etc. of your piece(s).

Don’t know where to start?  Try looking at the “Links of Interest” section on past CCWW blog posts.  I’ll be at the Callahan library on Tuesday, March 5 from 6pm until 7:30pm to help anyone who may have questions.  I have some market listings for writers.

Overview of critiques...

Shirley A. started the session by reading two humorous poems based on the prompt.  Her rhymes, such as “Georgia” and “check forg-a” worked!  Robert O. then shared a piece in which two siblings argued.  His vivid descriptions, such as “bright silver with rage” worked.  Oliver M. then read “Gift,” a short piece he penned in 2011.  Many CCWW members thought he skillfully showed how life is a gift.

I (Nancy B.) then continued “The Party,” a short story I started with the hardware store prompt a few weeks ago.  Members told me they enjoyed the way the story is unfolding.  Lisa C. then read “Lights Out,” a humorous short story about a woman who spies on her neighbors at night.  Her characterization worked.  Karen D. continued the session by sharing “Bobby, the Bob-Tailed Cat.”  Her piece garnered laughs as she described Bobby becoming a “warrior” cat.  

Michele N. read a piece about a middle-aged woman risking online dating.  Many members commented on the sense of suspense she created.  Lori L. then shared “Lesson of the Light.”  Her piece offered readers and listeners encouragement about God seeing our hearts.   Matt Y. then read a piece featuring a taxi driver who helps a woman in distress.  Turns out, the woman and her assailant come after the cab driver instead.  Nice twist, Matt!

Connie K. continued the critique session by reading more of “Emily’s Secrets.”  Her piece relayed the insecurities a young girl felt inviting her friend over.  Cameron S. then shared a piece featuring a girl who had been kidnaped then rescued by her brother.  She has amnesia, and she’s trying to regain her memory.  Connie W. finished the session with a piece featuring the Curiosity Rover on Mars.  After bringing a Martian cat back to Earth, “Satisfaction” must return the animal to its home planet.  

Wonderful work, everyone!

Links of interest…

Here’s a database of literary magazines seeking poetry.  Many of them pay.  More here:

Since many of us write fiction, here’s a directory of 30 short story markets.  More here:

Personal Essays
Here’s a list of paying markets for personal essays.  More here:

Pet Markets
Some of you are interested in writing for pet magazines.  Check out this article with links:

Assignment for March 12…

In case you didn’t see it above, here’s the first part of the assignment for our March 12 meeting.  I’ll list it again here: 
1.       Select your piece(s)                                       
2.       Edit and revise your piece(s).
3.       Begin researching writing markets matching genre, tone, subject matter, etc. of your piece(s)

Until Tuesday, March 12, happy writing!

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