Sunday, June 8, 2014

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble, Gobble, Blah, Blah, Blah...

Last week, my husband and I enjoyed a delightful, but rare Saturday morning breakfast at a local restaurant.   Delightful because we were able to spend some quality time together, but rare, because we typically do not go out for breakfast, unless we are on vacation.  During the course of our meal, I had three cups of coffee.  I am relatively new to coffee.  Oh. My. Stars.  I cannot believe how much I LOVE COFFEE!!!! 

Apparently, coffee loves me, too.  The burst of energy I received caused me to talk, so excessively, that my husband actually asked me to stop for a moment for me to catch my breath and for him to try to understand something, anything that I said.  I was talking. A lot.  But were we really communicating?  Someone once told me that excessive talking was equivalent to a bunch of gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, blah, blah, blah.  

As writers, many times we struggle with the concept of "showing" instead of "telling" the reader our story.  Dialogue is an easy way to break up the monotony of the words and a powerful way to reveal just enough to the reader at just the right time.  Do you struggle with dialogue?  If so, why?  Do you find yourself describing a scene that could better be shown through dialogue?  

How about this?  Many enjoy "people watching", but have you tried "people listening"?  I hear some of the funniest conversations while standing in line at the grocery, or sitting in a booth at a restaurant.  What's better than that?  Listening to half of a cell phone conversation!  It really does not matter where I listen, the point is that I am only hearing dialogue and I am getting the story. 

How about setting your pen to writing a play this summer and bringing it to CCWW in the fall?  

Until then, happy writing with amazing dialogue!


1 comment:

  1. To me, coffee is best when I have time to sip and enjoy it. I love to go to coffee houses (Starbucks is fine, but I like Mom and Pop shops, too) and take in sights, smells, sounds, etc. Of course, to do this, one needs a few hours to oneself. Sometimes, 'me-time' is hard to come by. Nevertheless, I enjoy a cup of joe (or two) each morning while I journal.
