Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Do You Follow or Follow Through?

A couple of weeks ago, I posted a picture from the most wonderful website of them all, Pinterest.  The picture contained a few writing ideas, one in particular caught my attention: read writers that are better than you.  Since I love to read, I do not find this task troublesome.  However, what is hard is finding the time to actually sit down, turn off my phone and pay attention to what I am reading.  I set a goal for myself to read the books that are debuting on the big screen this year and to see the corresponding films.  I am a little behind, but I will finish and I think it's an admirable and attainable goal.

Fast forward to this week.  As most of you know, I sustained an injury at the Gate in March and my doctor has not yet released me to walk long distances.  So I have decided to take up biking at the  gym.  I would MUCH rather walk outside for exercise and enjoy God's creation than be stuck in a gym, but for now, it will do because this biking has given me the opportunity to catch up on my reading.  I am currently in a series that is set in Regency England.  I love this time period; I definitely could have been an excellent duchess, lol.

Seriously, though, just reading helps our writing.  I find myself stopping after a couple of paragraphs and visualizing the scenery, costumes and menus.  I receive an extra dose of motivation to continue writing and then the freight train hits.  BAM!! I start writing and an hour later I realize I am still working on the same paragraph because I have re-written it about 40 times!  I am guilty of wanting my first draft to be epic and ready for publication.  Herein lies the problem:  I cannot get my story told because I am too busy editing every word.  I am my own writers block.

At every CCWW session, Nancy encourages us to write daily, randomly, consistently.  Do we do that?  I know that I do not.  Partly, because I try to edit. every. word.  Will you join me in following instructions to write daily, without perfection, just to write?  Perhaps then, we can follow through with getting the most important task completed:  our stories told.

I'm looking forward to our upcoming sessions and to seeing each one of you.  Until then, happy, fresh writing wishes to you!


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