Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Forget "Where's Waldo?"...What Happened to Honest Abe?

Truthfully, the truth is not a BIG hit anymore.

I mean just try to find an honest…


Car Salesman…




Well, do any come to mind?  I hope so but unfortunately, they are few and far between.

Why? Good question.  Money. Power. Job Security.  Our society has put less and less value on the truth.  It is acceptable to placate, pacify and outright lie to make someone feel good or to get a better result for yourself.  We are taught to be do what is best for ourselves even at the expense of others.

Our society seems be either too polite-ok, ok, everyone gets a trophy or too sarcastic-Sure you look nice (under your breath mumbles not).  I am not condoning brutal honesty, you don’t always have to say something because you feel it is true.  “That hair cut makes your face look fat.” You can still be honest using a nicer truth such as, “Wow, you got your hair cut.”

Working with small children I hear a whole lot of the “truth”.  Children are sure to keep your ego in check.  “Teacher your hair looks crazy today.”  “This room smells like a dog.” “Mom said I was getting on her ‘nerds’ last night.”  “Dad and Mom were watching a ‘bad words’ movie.”  Children tell it like they see it and repeat what they hear. So be careful what you say when you think your little one is not listening.

How about honesty in writing? Writing is freeing and is a good way to put your thoughts and ideas on paper.   I love writing fiction, it is fun to create characters who do not always act or think the way you do.  The world you create is limitless and the characters are not bound by the laws that define our way of life.  However, when writing non-fiction, it is important to stick to the facts.  Personal opinions are great as long as they are presented as opinions.  People often take other people’s word instead of investigating the information for themselves.       

Why it is that someone can write about vicious, brutal and inhumane things and people eat it up like candy but they seem to cringe when people dare to share their beliefs?  Funny world we live in. 


Have you ever heard something and assumed it was true, only to later find out it was not?

What are some funny “truths” you have heard? (My Granny was always VERY honest and VERY funny.  She would tell it like it is.)

Do you think that honesty is becoming a dinosaur? Why or Why not?

When writing have you discover some truths about yourself? What have you learned?

Summer has been crazy busy! Hope you are enjoying yours!

 To my fellow writers-I miss you guys-honestly! J

 Have a fabulous week!  

~Lisa M. Crosby

1 comment:

  1. I think it all goes back to how you say what you say. Honest words are good and helpful, especially if they're delivered with the right attitude.
