Saturday, June 13, 2015

Graffiti (Art or Ignorance?)

(Art or Ignorance?)

As a law abiding citizen, I do try my best to “stay within the lines”.  I do prefer that other people do the same-that way nobody gets hurt.

However, recently I was stuck, once again, at a railroad crossing and I couldn’t help but notice the graffiti on the passing train.  Now, yes, I know these lawbreakers have defaced property that doesn’t belong to them but some of these sketches are nothing short of beautiful pieces of art.  Others are crudely etched onto the surface.  The artist in me really wants to applaud these hoodlums for giving me a show as I sit waiting, rather impatiently, for the train to pass. I eagerly critique each piece and anxiously wait for the next etching.  Much like writing on cave walls, the script sometimes needs to be interpreted-these brave and maybe a little foolish artist aren’t always the best spellers.  I would also appreciate it if some of these “artists” would maybe practice somewhere before attempt to write or draw. Unfortunately, art isn’t for everyone to display and that goes for singing as well.  That’s another topic for another day. I do think everyone should sing, write and draw but some just need to not share publicly.  

I must admit that among my favorites are drawings of faces, animals, and even cartoon characters.   The detail put into some of these works are just astonishing.  Even some of the script is nothing short of exquisite.  

These ill-famed artist have even taken their craft to buildings and the streets-literally.   Some of the 3-D chalk art displays are amazing.  I would love to attempt such a display myself, with permission, of course.  I am aware that some people are
disturbed by such masterpieces and do not share my view but I think that these drawings bring these otherwise ordinary objects to life.    

In my opinion, all of life is art.  The skies, the trees, the mountains, and the oceans are displayed with such breathtaking beauty that one can scarcely take it all in.    Even the most ordinary of things are fascinating if you stop and take time to enjoy them and not take them for granted.  And as incredible as some of these artist are they are no match for the original artist...God. 

 My challenge to you, the writer, is to find something that you see every day and try to look at it in a new light and then write about it. I found our exercise on writing about inanimate objects talking quite amusing.  You could also write about what life would be like without one of your prized possessions.  So take a look around and share your thoughts, if you will.   

What can I say, you light up my life!

A cup a day keeps the grouchy away.

Hope you are enjoying your summer! I miss you guys and am looking forward to the fall!

~Lisa M. Crosby  

1 comment:

  1. Great writing suggestions here, Lisa. And, I'll pause and appreciate graffiti the next time I'm waiting for a train to pass me.
