Monday, June 29, 2015

Into the Forest...

Monday, June 29, 2015

Happy summer!

Last week, I had the privilege of attending the Florida Forestry Teachers’ Tour held in Fernandina Beach, Florida. I was one of approximately 40 teachers from around Florida who applied for the Tour. 

The three-day event featured guided tours of lumber mills, paper mills, forests, farms and more. We learned types of pine trees that grow best in the Southeast. We also heard from several industry professionals who taught us about sustainability, endangered and protected species, tree growth and more.

In addition to networking with teachers from around the state, I also picked up some history of forestry in Florida. From production of naval stores and pencils in the past to production of lumber and hundreds of wood by-products today, forestry has been and still is a big industry in our state.

Here are a couple of pictures from a lumber mill, which was a stop on our Forestry Tour:

I really enjoyed the opportunity to learn more about forestry last week.

I hope you’re having a great summer.  Since I was out of town for most of June, I’ll begin chipping away at my summer writing goals at the beginning of July. 

What about you? Where are you traveling this summer? What are you writing? 

I’d love to hear from you in the comments section below or on our Facebook page.

Until next time, happy writing….


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Dreaming the Night (and Day) Away

A few nights ago while we were enjoying dinner, our daughter regaled us with a dream she had the night before.  Apparently, part of her dream took place in our kitchen and she described our counter tops as a vivid blue.  Our actual counters are white, but more importantly, I asked her if she really dreamed in color, to which she replied with an emphatic "yes, I always dream in color, don't you?"

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. - Harriet Tubman

As I never dream in color, except for a few nightmares, I found this detail about my child intriguing.  I believe that I dream every night and most mornings I can remember many details of the dream content.  Sometimes my dreams have absolutely no rhyme or reason to them, but are based on  something I heard or read a few minutes before falling asleep.  Other times my dreams are clear to the point that I have to question whether what I experienced was a dream or reality.  That is frightening.  But sometimes, I hit the jackpot and the dream inspires a new story.

A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work. 
- Colin Powell 

Have you ever questioned how many of your writing ideas are the results of dreams?  I have pondered that question this week, as I find myself not only a night dreamer, but a day dreamer, also.  I love watching people and trying to figure out their stories.  Or maybe it is really my story that I want them to have.  A random Facebook profile that I read before I drifted off to sleep resulted in a dream so vivid that I have begun working on a new story.  I cannot wait to share it with you all in the Autumn!

Reality is wrong.  Dreams are for real.  - Tupac Shakur

Here are a few ideas to try during our summer hiatus: 

1.  Try keeping a notebook and pen next to your bed so that you can write down your dreams as soon as you wake up, making you less likely to forget them. 
2.  Find a bench at the mall and people watch. Takes notes and write them a story.
3.  Go to the beach and day dream.  I'm serious.  Day dreaming is awesome with the sound of the ocean, breeze in your hair, cold drink in your hand, soaking up the natural Vitamin D.  

Please take a moment and post your thoughts about this topic to our blog and our Facebook group.  I look forward to seeing you all in the Fall.  Until next time, keep dreaming!


Saturday, June 13, 2015

Graffiti (Art or Ignorance?)

(Art or Ignorance?)

As a law abiding citizen, I do try my best to “stay within the lines”.  I do prefer that other people do the same-that way nobody gets hurt.

However, recently I was stuck, once again, at a railroad crossing and I couldn’t help but notice the graffiti on the passing train.  Now, yes, I know these lawbreakers have defaced property that doesn’t belong to them but some of these sketches are nothing short of beautiful pieces of art.  Others are crudely etched onto the surface.  The artist in me really wants to applaud these hoodlums for giving me a show as I sit waiting, rather impatiently, for the train to pass. I eagerly critique each piece and anxiously wait for the next etching.  Much like writing on cave walls, the script sometimes needs to be interpreted-these brave and maybe a little foolish artist aren’t always the best spellers.  I would also appreciate it if some of these “artists” would maybe practice somewhere before attempt to write or draw. Unfortunately, art isn’t for everyone to display and that goes for singing as well.  That’s another topic for another day. I do think everyone should sing, write and draw but some just need to not share publicly.  

I must admit that among my favorites are drawings of faces, animals, and even cartoon characters.   The detail put into some of these works are just astonishing.  Even some of the script is nothing short of exquisite.  

These ill-famed artist have even taken their craft to buildings and the streets-literally.   Some of the 3-D chalk art displays are amazing.  I would love to attempt such a display myself, with permission, of course.  I am aware that some people are
disturbed by such masterpieces and do not share my view but I think that these drawings bring these otherwise ordinary objects to life.    

In my opinion, all of life is art.  The skies, the trees, the mountains, and the oceans are displayed with such breathtaking beauty that one can scarcely take it all in.    Even the most ordinary of things are fascinating if you stop and take time to enjoy them and not take them for granted.  And as incredible as some of these artist are they are no match for the original artist...God. 

 My challenge to you, the writer, is to find something that you see every day and try to look at it in a new light and then write about it. I found our exercise on writing about inanimate objects talking quite amusing.  You could also write about what life would be like without one of your prized possessions.  So take a look around and share your thoughts, if you will.   

What can I say, you light up my life!

A cup a day keeps the grouchy away.

Hope you are enjoying your summer! I miss you guys and am looking forward to the fall!

~Lisa M. Crosby  

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Spoken Word Newspaper Article


In case you missed it, here's an article on April's Spoken Word Festival at the Callahan Branch Library. The piece ran in "The Westside Journal" on May 1, 2015.

~Nancy B.

Your Thoughts on CCWW

Saturday, June 06, 2015

Happy summer, everyone!

I hope your summer months offer relaxation and quiet time for writing.

During our last session in April, several of you completed evaluations of CCWW. I thought I’d share the responses here and hopefully start a discussion of what you’d like us to keep, start or stop as we begin our fifth year of workshops in the fall.

We’re setting up fall CCWW dates now. We’ll publish them here on the blog when they’re finalized.
Here are your responses to the first question, “What is working at CCWW?”
 “I like everything about it!”

 “I love the critiques, suggestions, encouragement and advice the members give each other. The          sharing of other members’ [pieces] inspires and improves my own [writing].”

 “The friendships and the learning from others’ pieces.”

 “Prompts are good; feedback is helpful; the group itself is fun. At times, I feel challenged as a   writer.  The information (web sites and contests).”

 “Everything (really the prompts, the word count, etc.).”

“This is everything I have needed for a long time. It helps me reflect on my life, and I can say it is cleansing.”

“Openness of group, acceptance of members, actual helpful critiques, very friendly, prompts    help, etc.”

“The format. The prompts. The group. Everything! Love it!”

Here are your responses to the second question, “What could work better at CCWW?” 

“A larger room!”

“To always have the room for our meetings, but I know sometimes that’s difficult.”

“I would like to see some members grow as writers. I don’t do Christian themes or ‘light’ or ‘fluffy’ pieces.”


“I think it is very well done. Nothing.”


Let’s keep the conversation going. Please send us your thoughts on improving CCWW in the future.

Happy summer!

~Nancy B.