Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Close of CCWW's Fourth Year

April 19, 2015

Hello, writers,

Although we’re a little saddened that we have come to the end of our fourth year of workshops, we’re delighted at the energy and talent evident in our group.

Please watch your e-mail for upcoming CCWW dates. We plan to start our fifth year of workshops in early September.

Thank you for being a part of CCWW. We’ve enjoyed hosting such a creative group of people.

Spoken Word Festival and Anthology – Tuesday, April 28

On April 28 at 6:00 p.m., the Callahan Branch Library will host its second annual Spoken Word Festival. Since April is National Poetry Month, the library is hoping beat the poetic drum here in the Callahan community.

If you’d like to participate in the Festival by reading a piece (it doesn’t have to be poetry), please sign up with Callahan Branch Librarian, Alison M., or call her at 904-879-3434 by Tuesday, April 21.

Please also consider submitting a piece or two for the Spoken Word Anthology. Here are the

Critique overview from April 14 CCWW

We started with warm-ups. I’ll list them here in case you want to do them at home:

1.      Creaks and freaks
2.      The missing shoe
3.      They won’t hurt you, but you can’t ride the tigers
4.      A freewrite about anything

Danielle T., Matt Y., Ashley T., and Butch K. shared warm-ups.   


Ines R. began the critique session by reading “New Girl in Town,” the fifth chapter of her WIP.
Members complimented her imagery (“babies traveling down a never ending line of laps”) and her vivid descriptions (“light of the half moon”). Lisa C. then shared “Chain Reaction,” a prompt-based (chain mail) poem. Her varied examples of chain letters and chain mail worked, according to members. Ashley T. then read a first-person reflection on life inspired by a Ron Tranmer poem. Members complimented the thought-provoking nature of her piece.

Danielle T. then shared a revised version of “The Walk,” a piece she shared some weeks ago. Members complimented her inclusion of the sense of smell and her vivid imagery (“she stiffened her body to fire”). Connie W. then read a continuation of her hemp rope piece. Members connected to Joshua’s realization about his father, Caleb, as well as the hay-bailing instruction Connie included in her piece.  Cameron S. then read a continuation of her piece featuring a teen counseling session. Members complimented Cameron’s description of schizophrenia as well as her spot-on dialogue (“No one cares about depression or insomnia”).

Matt Y. continued with a first-person story of two white men venturing out to the other side of town where they met a black girl named Althea. Members complimented his powerful piece and its imagery (“eyes like a mother’s – full of love and non-judgmental,” “the gift of me” and “the night that the morning has killed”).  I, Nancy B., ended the session reading “Reflections of a Word Freak – Part 1.” Members said the humor in my piece worked as well as my inclusion of Greek and Latin word stems.

Hubba hubba, writers!

Links of Interest

30 Ways to Celebrate National Poetry Month (since it’s still April, I’ll keep this here another week).

In addition to participating in the Spoken Word Festival, please consider adding some of these small celebrations to your April.


Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction and Essay Contest

Deadline is end of April. More than $3500 in prizes. All themes accepted.


Legendary Women Literary Contest

Deadline is in early May. Prize money awarded.

Quote of the week:

“You can never cross the ocean, until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.”                                                                                            
                                                                                    ~Christopher Columbus

Until next fall, we hope you have a wonderful summer full of writing and words!


Nancy B.
Lisa C.
Michele N.

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