Sunday, April 12, 2015

Spelling Bees and Open Windows

April 12, 2015

Hello, writers,

Though are numbers were down, we celebrated the written word on Tuesday, April 7. Members’ writing ranged from poignant to hopeful. I’m so thankful all of you chose to spend your Tuesday evenings with CCWW. It’s hard for me to believe we’re at the end of our fourth year!

This Tuesday’s session (April 14) will be our final workshop until the fall. We hope you can make it. We start at 6:15 p.m.

Spoken Word Festival – Tuesday, April 28

On April 28 at 6:00 p.m., the Callahan Branch Library will host its second annual Spoken Word Festival. Since April is National Poetry Month, the library is hoping beat the poetic drum here in the Callahan community.

If you’d like to participate in the Festival by reading a piece (it doesn’t have to be poetry), please sign up with Callahan Branch Librarian, Alison M., or call her at 904-879-3434.

This year, the Library is planning to produce a booklet chock full of local writers’ pieces. Sales of the booklet will benefit the Friends of the Callahan Library. If you’d like to help put the booklet together, please let Michele, Lisa or Nancy know. J

Please consider submitting a piece or two for the booklet. Please watch this space for more details on word count, font size, formatting, etc.

The event is free and open to the community.

Picture of the Week

Community Happenings

Family Game Night – at the Callahan Branch Library on Tuesday, April 14 from 4pm until 8pm. Bring your own games or use the Library’s. More here:

Railroad Day Festival – a Callahan-area historical celebration – scheduled for Saturday, April 18 from 9:00 am until 8:00 pm. More here:

Second Annual Spoken Word Festival – Tuesday, April 28 from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm at the Callahan Branch Library. Hopefully, you’ve signed up to read a piece or two. We’ll send out more details on the booklets soon.

Critique overview from April 7 CCWW

We started with warm-ups. I’ll list them here in case you want to do them at home:

1.      The letter in the alley
2.      Wrong Bathroom
3.      X marks the spot
4.      A freewrite about anything

Danielle T., Matt Y., Connie W (read an “open window” piece by her sister, Carol), Cameron S. and Butch K. shared warm-ups.  


Danielle T. began the critique session by reading an opinion piece on “19 Kids and Counting,” a reality TV show. Members said she offered a balanced overview of the show as well as reminding all of us of the power of the words we speak and write. Matt Y. then read a prompt-based (open window) piece featuring Rebecca and Jared. Members complimented the syntax, the subtle inclusion of the prompt and the intelligence of his piece. Cameron S. then shared a continuation of a piece she started some time ago. Members appreciated the realism of the counseling session as well as the teen dialogue Cameron gave her character, Alyssa.

Connie W. then shared a prompt-based (open window) piece featuring scenes through a window. Members said her piece was soulful, inventive and creative. Danielle T. then read “Goodbye,” Ines R.’s fourth chapter of her WIP. Members complimented Ines’s inclusion of Spanish mision architecture, her poignant memories of Alyson and her mother swimming and her diction (“I slept a subterranean sleep, without story line, characters, and words or colors.”).

Matt Y. then read Lisa C.’s prompt-based (spelling bee) poem. Lisa’s message of facing fear as well as her personification (“My heart does the samba”) worked well, according to members. Lori L. then shared a continuation of her story featuring a character named Eddie. Members complimented Lori’s method of “unlocking Eddie” and her powerful descriptions of the boy (“gaping teeth, big eyes, spray of freckles”). I, Nancy B., then read “My Happy Cup,” a sonnet about my coffee cup. Members connected to the attitude I included both before and after morning coffee.

Excellent work, everyone!

Links of Interest

30 Ways to Celebrate National Poetry Month

In addition to participating in the Spoken Word Festival, please consider adding some of these small celebrations to your April.


The Red Line – open to submissions

You might want to check out this site. “The Red Line” is currently seeking themed submissions for an upcoming anthology.


Spring Essay Contest sponsored by EssayMama

Essay Mama is running an essay contest. There is no entry fee, but writers must choose from one of eight topics. There are cash prizes. Deadline is in late May.

Quote of the week:

“You know you’ve read a good book when you turn the last page and feel as if you’ve lost a friend.”

                                                                                    ~Zora Neale Hurston

Prompts for Tuesday, April 14 (our last session until the fall)

The first prompt is…caught with your pants down. The second prompt is…chain mail. You’re free to write in any genre you like (fiction, drama, non-fiction, poetry, etc.). If you’d like to bring a WIP (work-in-progress), please do.

Please keep pieces to 1500 words or less and bring copies if you can.

Have a great week!

~Nancy B.

P.S. For those of you interested in ‘doing poetry’ this summer, please let me know. My thought was we could all get a copy of Perrine’s “Sound and Sense” and go through it chapter by chapter. We wouldn’t have to finish the book this summer, but we could do four or five chapters. Any takers?

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