Monday, September 22, 2014

Behind Enemy Lines and False Starts

Monday, September 22, 2014

We had another rainy Tuesday night in Callahan, but it didn’t stop writers from attending the workshop at the Library. Lisa began the session with warm-ups and introductions. We then enjoyed a helpful critique session.

Here’s a recap.


The warm-up prompts are listed here, in case you’d like to write to them at home: 
1.             The tone-deaf musician
2.              Elevator vs. Stairs
3.              An avalanche of words
4.              A free-write on anything

After a few writers read their warm-ups, we introduced ourselves and shared good news and information.  Richard N. brought “Do You Write in Spurts?” a writing guide from a blog for the writers in attendance. Lori L. recently saw “Little Shop of Horrors” at Theater by the Tracks in St. Mary’s, Georgia. I, Nancy B., won a writing award for “Best Evangelical Film” for a screenplay.

After Ollie M., Matt Y. and Connie W. shared warm-ups, we began critiques.


To begin, Thomas E. read Robert O.’s continuation of his wolftaur piece featuring Tempest and Gabriel. Members said Robert’s descriptions (such as “sky blue eyes” and “Gabriel’s ear flicked”) worked. Matt Y. then shared a somewhat satirical presidential speech. The humorous way Matt presented the loss of individual freedom hit close to home and worked well, members said. Danielle T. then read a non-fiction piece about an abandoned foundry near Chattanooga, Tennessee. Members enjoyed the imager y in her piece as well as the connections she made to “Atlas Shrugged” by Ayn Rand.

Richard N. then read more of his second book featuring Dodge. Members said his piece created suspense, and it used potent verbs (such as –hover, -splashed, -scrunched). Thomas E. then read “Eden Academy,” an older piece featuring Mia and Yukine. Members said his piece featured a good balance of narration and dialogue, and it also featured excellent characterization. I, Nancy B., then read a piece from my WIP. Members enjoyed the use of the word “obstreperous.”

Connie W. then shared a continuation of her hemp rope story. Members complimented her descriptions of Irish agricultural life. Cameron S. then read a vampire piece featuring characters named Zane and Tommy. Members complimented Cameron’s powerful scene-setting and descriptions. Lisa C. then shared “The Operation,” a prompt-based (behind enemy lines) poem. Members enjoyed the soldier’s perspective she used.  Ollie M. ended the session by reading an interpretive history of race relations. Members said his piece touched on several truths.

Nice work, writers!
Links of Interest

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)

For those of you interested in writing a novel during the month of November, please check out this site. You can sign up, choose the amount of words you write each day and receive support from an online writing community.

Read more here:


Stage of Life Writing and Blogging Contest

Here’s a contest with no entry fee. You’re asked to write about your life’s journey. Deadline is at the end of December.

Read more here:


Score a new mattress in exchange for a little writing

Mattress Firm is giving away mattresses. All you have to do is describe why your mattress is keeping you up at night.

Interested? Read more here:


Prompts for September 23

Prompts for September 23 are Good vs. Evil and to write a commercial. Feel free to bring in a WIP (work-in-progress) or another piece of your choice if you’d rather not write to the prompts. Also, please keep pieces 1,500 words or less.

Quote of the week:

“I write to give myself strength. I write to be the characters I am not. I write to explore the things I’m afraid of”
                                                                                                                   ~Joss Whedon

Until Tuesday, happy writing!

~Nancy B.

P.S. Lisa C. and Nancy B. will be out this week due to obligations at SCA. Thanks in advance for helping your interim moderator run an effective workshop.

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