Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Summer writing goals

April 30, 2013

I know it's not summer yet, but I am setting 3 writing goals for the hot, steamy season.  Last year, members of our writing group set from 1 to 4 writing goals, and many of us met them!

This year, I'm not only giving myself writing goals, but I'm adding start and end dates for them.  

Tomorrow is May 1, and I'll start on my first goal during my early writing time.   

Want to join me?  What are your summer writing goals?

Goal                                                                            Start date                            End date_____
Finish YA manuscript                                                 May 1, 2013                       May 31, 2013
Finish editing women’s fiction manuscript                 June 1, 2013                       June 30, 2013
Tweak screenplay and get ‘coverage’ for it                July 1, 2013                        July 31, 2013

If you'd like to send your goals to me, please do.  With your permission, I'll post them here on the blog to keep us accountable.

Happy writing, everyone!


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