Monday, October 27, 2014

Song Lyrics, the Virus and more on NaNoWriMo

 Monday, October 27, 2014

I’m always surprised by how much I miss our weekly workshops when a session ends. What about you? 

Do you write more when we’re in session than you do when we’re not? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below or on our Facebook page.

I’ve been busy the last couple of weeks, and I’m thankful for a little time today to catch up on CCWW’s goings-on. Today’s post includes a recap of our last session on October 14, reminders about our participation in NaNoWriMo in November and information about our Christmas party.

In the coming days, I’ll post members’ work for our enjoyment.


The warm-up prompts are listed here, in case you’d like to write to them at home: 
1.              Sugar Substitutes
2.              Reality Check
3.              This time her boss had gone too far…
4.              A free-write on anything

Ollie M. shared a warm-up using the first three prompts. Matt Y., Richard N. and Robert O. also shared their warm-ups.

We then introduced ourselves and shared our good news. Richard N. is starting a new chapter of Word Weavers (, which will meet at North Jacksonville Baptist Church the second Saturday of every month.  Way to go, Richard!

Thomas E. now has Tuesday evenings free. Yay, Thomas!


Robert O. started the session by asking Thomas E. to read a poem about time. Several members said Robert’s piece was well-structured and used excellent rhymes. Cameron S. then read a thought poem about sections of the school band. Her descriptions of trumpet sections, drum lines, tuba players and more rang true, according to members.  Matt Y. then read three short pieces: the first was song-like, the second was based on “Little Boy Blue,” and the third, “Problems,” was simply a list of words. Members commented on how well-written all three pieces were.

I, Nancy B., then shared part of a new piece. Members said the humor between students and teachers worked. Connie W. then shared a first person piece about being sick and buying medicine. Her humorous use of a Jackson Browne song worked, according to members. Richard N. then shared a continuation of his second Dodge book. Members said his use of sensory details and his sense of suspense worked very well.

Ollie M. then read a piece of social commentary. Members agreed his pieces should be published in various newspapers and magazines. Thomas E. then asked Matt Y. to read his piece about two friends finalizing their plan of escape on a college campus. Members said Thomas’s use of sensory details worked.

 Lisa C. then shared “Game Changer” and “Verse,” both diamante poems. Members commented on her skillful use of the poetic form. Danielle T. then read a continuation of her true invasion story. Members complimented the piece’s structure as well as the imagery she included.

Superb writing, everyone!

Upcoming Events

As you probably know by now, November is National Novel Writing Month. Our Callahan Branch Library has asked us to help promote this wonderful event by taking part in three Write-Ins in November.

A Write-In refers to a time and place writers get together and write.

The first Write-In includes a Kick-Off party with refreshments from The Sweet Spot and Callahan Barbecue. At subsequent Write-Ins, the Callahan Friends of the Library will provide refreshments.

The dates and times for the three Write-Ins are:

                     Tuesday, November 4 – 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

                     NaNoWriMo Kick-Off Party and Write-In #1

                     (Please note: The Library will be closed Tuesday, November 11, for Veteran’s Day).

                     Tuesday, November 18 – 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm

                     NaNoWriMo Write-In #2

                     Tuesday, November 25 – 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm

                     NaNoWriMo Write-In #3

The following CCWW members have signed up to participate in the Write-Ins:

                     Tuesday, November 4
1.       Michele N.
2.       Matt Y.
3.       Connie W.
4.       Richard N.
5.       Thomas E.
6.       Nancy B.
                     Tuesday, November 18
1.       Connie W.
2.       Richard N.
3.       Thomas E.
4.       Michele N.
5.       Nancy B.
                     Tuesday, November 25
1.       Connie W.
2.       Nancy B.
3.       Thomas E. (possibly)

We are also planning a Christmas party for Tuesday, Dec. 2, from 6 pm until 9 pm at Nancy B.’s house. We’ll send out a food sign-up sheet soon. Also, please bring a gag or “white elephant” gift.

Quote of the week:

“Half of what I write is garbage, but if I don’t write it down, it decomposes in my head.”
                                                                                                   ~Jarod Kintz

Have a great week!

~Nancy B.

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