Monday, November 11, 2013

Fence-sitters and Australia

November 11, 2013

Hello, writers,

Happy Veteran’s Day! Thank you to all veterans who have served our country.

I hope your writing is going well. Over the last few days, I’ve been reading more than writing. Because I’m subbing right now for high school English classes, I’m re-reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Scarlet Letter and Silas Marner. I read the Twain and Hawthorne books when I was in school, but I’ve never read Silas Marner. I’m enjoying all three of them!

Meanwhile, here’s the recap of Tuesday’s writing workshop, complete with a warm-up, an overview of our critique session, links of interest and prompts for next time. There’s also information on our holiday party.


We started the workshop with a choice of warm-ups. Then, we wrote for 10 minutes. Here the are: 

1.   Describe the room of one of the following: a high school student about to drop out; a cashier who has just won the lottery; a faded movie star who still thinks she's famous; a paranoid person, etc. Be as detailed as possible.
2.   Describe a routine or holiday ritual, using present tense verbs.
3.   Describe a “first” (first apartment, first kiss, first time driving a car, first lie, first big success, first roller coaster ride, first time in this setting). Include as many details as possible, being sure to include an aspect relating to each of the five senses.

                                                                                    ~Source: Warren Wilson College

A few of us shared our warm-ups. We then introduced ourselves, shared good news and started our critique session.

Critique overview

Robert O. began the session by circling back to an older story featuring Hiro and Graytail. His characterization worked well, according to many members. Connie W. continued by reading a holiday story set on the Israeli/Palestinian border. The romantic interest between Rachael and Kamal worked well. Lisa C. then shared “Neutral Ned,” a poem about an indecisive fence-sitter. Members said her poem could be a good way to share ‘life advice’ with teenagers.

I, Nancy B., continued the session by reading an excerpt of a story. Members said they enjoyed laughing at the boy’s mother who just learned to text. Judy M. then shared a continuation of her story featuring Luca. Her piece offered vivid descriptions and suspense as the boys prepare for their voyage. Richard N. continued by sharing a continuation of his novel. In this section, three college-aged cheerleaders go to a university clinic and find out about birth control.

Kaitlyn then read a continuation of her dream story. In this section, the girl’s basement turned into long corridors. Cameron L. ended the session by reading a piece in which Jack, an 8th grader, figures out his neighbor is being abused. Her use of description worked well.

Great writing, everyone!

Links of Interest

Local short story contest

The Florida Times-Union is running a holiday story contest. There are several categories of winners, and the prizes are great.

Read more here:

Glimmer Train
Glimmer Train is always accepting writing for upcoming publications. There is a fee involved, but the magazine is well regarded.  .
Read more about how to submit writing here:   
Sonnet award
Last year, several of us wrote sonnets. Here’s a contest just for the sonnet!  
Read more here:   

Prompts for Tuesday, November 12

There are two prompts for next time. The first is gnome. The second is…at the symphony.  

You’re free to use one or both prompts for next Tuesday, or you can share a WIP (work-in-progress). Please keep pieces 1500 words or less.

Holiday Party

Our CCWW holiday party will be held Tuesday, December 3 at our house from 6 p.m. until 9 p.m. I’ll prepare a main dish. We passed around a sign-up sheet for side items, drinks and desserts. Hope you’ll plan to come and bring a holiday-inspired piece of writing.

Have a wonderful week!  

~Nancy B.

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