Friday, September 20, 2013

Poker and humble pie

September 20, 2013

Hello, writers,

I’ve been brainstorming book ideas today for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) in November. Have you signed up to participate this year? If not, please see more information about NaNoWriMo in the links of interest section below.

What are you writing this weekend? I’d love to hear what you’re working on right now.

Meanwhile, here’s the recap of last Tuesday’s writing workshop, complete with warm-ups, an overview of our critique session, links of interest and prompts for next time.

The warm-up

We started the workshop with a reading from Natalie Goldberg’s book Wild Mind. After the reading, we wrote for ten minutes. Several CCWW members said they enjoyed the selection from her book. Writing Down the Bones is another wonderful writing book by Goldberg.

A few of us shared our warm-ups. We then introduced ourselves, shared good news and started our critique session.

Critique overview

Matt Y. began the session by reading a piece incorporating both the poker and humble pie prompts. His story line and his Russian character worked well. Dee C. continued by sharing an installment of her Sam Baker detective story. Her likening of murder a la fire poker to fondue received lots of laughs, and her descriptions worked. Oliver M. then shared a piece reflecting on “Raiders of the Lost Ark.” His piece offered insights into the field of archaeology.

Gina A. continued by reading a more of her first person story about a guardian trying to fix a broken world. Her character and scene descriptions worked well. Cameron S. then shared a continuation of her laboratory story. Her human characters, Clara and Mark, discussed various animal hybrids, such as Cinnamon, a turtle lion or lion turtle. Michele N. then read a new piece featuring co-workers, Jenna and Jackson. Her characterization and descriptions worked.

Lisa C. then shared a short play set at a nursing home. Her humor and story line worked well, and she included five prompts in the piece! Richard N. continued his novel featuring the character of Dodge. Members said his ‘inside information’ about how to make calls within the CIA worked. Connie K. then read “Faces,” an autobiographical piece based on the humble pie prompt. Several members said the way she incorporated Bible verses within the piece worked well.

Judy M. then read a piece featuring Paolo and a cheese market. Her descriptions of the bird songs he made with a whistle and her story line worked well. Robert O. then shared a continuation of his ongoing second-person story featuring Emily. Members said his decision to base the piece in Jacksonville worked. Connie W. finished the session by sharing a piece about an amazing blond guitar player named Peter Frampton. Her chronology and background on bands and albums worked.

Great writing, everyone!

Links of Interest
(I’m keeping NaNoWriMo on our list in case you haven’t had a chance to sign up yet).

NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)
November is National Novel Writing Month. Want to write a novel from November 1 to November 30? Several of us have done this before. It’s fun!
Read more and sign up here:
Red Hen Poetry Award  
The Red Hen Press Poetry Award is given to an author of an unpublished poem. Deadline is coming up September 30.
Read more about it here:
One Act Play Contest
Here’s a one act play contest sponsored by the New Orleans Literary Festival. Grand prize is $1500. Deadline is at the end of October.
Read more here:   
Prompts for Tuesday, September 24

There are two prompts for next time. The first is blue ribbon. The second is jungle gym.  

You’re free to use one or both prompts for next Tuesday, or you can share a WIP (work-in-progress). Please keep pieces 1500 words or less.

Have a wonderful weekend!

~Nancy B.

P.S. Please remember to check your calendar for Tuesday, December 3. We’d like to plan a holiday party that evening. Also, please remember the second session of CCWW will begin October 22, not October 15.

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