Monday, August 19, 2013

First Session is Full!

Hi, writers,

Thanks for sending in reservations for the first six-week session of the Callahan Creative Writing Workshop. The session starting Tuesday, August 20 and ending Tuesday, September 24 is FULL!

Our second fall session is filling up fast. If you'd like to reserve a spot for that session beginning Tuesday, October 15, please e-mail me at nancy@rivercityrevisions or Michele at

I'm looking forward to Tuesday night!

~Nancy B.

P.S. Not sure if you're on the list for the first session beginning August 20? Check here:
  Dee C.
  Ann W.
  Lisa C.
  Judith M.
  Oliver M.
  Matt Y.
  Robert O.
  Connie W.
  Connie K.
  Richard N.
  Lori L.
  Cameron S.
  Sandra H.
  Nancy B.
  Michele N.

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