Monday, June 17, 2013

Summer writing and some links of interest

June 17, 2013

How's your summer going?

We just returned from a restful two-week vacation in the mountains. While I did not get much writing done (other than in my journal), I was able to refine my summer writing goals by exchanging my May and June goals. I believe I'll be on track by the end of the month.

I thought I send you some links of interest I've received in the past month or so.  Here they are:


1. The Alice Hayes Writing Fellowship. How does four weeks of writing time and a $500 stipend sound? Check out the details here:

2. Want to enter one of your short stories in a contest? Here's one with a June 30 deadline and a $1000 prize. Details here:

3. This contest is seeking romance entries. The deadline is in two weeks. More info here:


What about you? Are you working this summer? Vacationing? Writing? I'd love to hear from you and post what you're doing (with your permission, of course).

Here's a picture from our early June visit to Vogel State Park in North Georgia. We hiked, enjoyed waterfalls, ate delicious food, swam, hiked some more and saw lots of wildlife.

I'll soon be selecting fall dates for CCWW. I'll publish them here as well as on one of our flyers.

Happy writing!


1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    1. Working on Day 4 of the build your writing platform challenge by Robert Brewer.

    2. Attended June IABC meeting (International Association of Business Communicators) to reconnect with writers.

    3. Plan to attend July meeting with IABC because topic is writing for the web. Anyone want to come with me?

    4. Working through Unleash the Writer Within: The Essential Writer's Companion by Cecil Murphey. Fun!

    5. Writing a script for a personal project.
