Thursday, March 21, 2013

Fire extinguisher

March 21, 2013

Hello, writers,

Thirteen writers met at the Callahan Branch Library Tuesday evening, March 19.  We shared words and laughter as we read and critiqued our pieces.    
Here’s what happened…

We started the workshop with a choice of warm-up exercises.  I’ll list them here in case you want to do them at home:

Choose one of the following prompts and write for ten minutes:

1.                  Mailboxes
2.                  Continue the phrase, “I remember it like it was yesterday….”
3.                  Pocket knives
4.                  A free-write on anything

After a few members read their warm-ups, we introduced ourselves, shared information and started our critiques.    

Good News and Information Exchange…

CCWW is planning a Publication Party for Tuesday, April 16. In addition to eating yummy food, we’re preparing at least one publication-ready piece for submission to a magazine, a newspaper, a contest, an agent or a publisher. Of course, it’s up to CCWW members to figure out the submission guidelines for the chosen publication.  Members are encouraged to submit more than one piece! 

I’ll bring a sign-up sheet for the party next week.  

In other news, Connie K. shared her entry for NPR’s Race Card project.  The project asks participants to write six-word essays.   More information is located in the “Links of Interest” section below.

Overview of assignments/critiques...

Matt Y. started the critiques by reading a dramatic short piece.  His characterization and humor worked.  Lori L. continued the session by reading a non-fiction narrative about a time her van caught on fire.  Many CCWW members commented on her skillful use of details.  Shirley A. then read a non-fiction piece about her time as a preschool teacher.  She started and ended with the image of a pink lunch box, and her piece worked.  

Richard N. then shared part of his novel.  Many CCWW members commented on how well his plot and characterization worked.  Connie W. then read “How Not to Impress Your Mother-in-Law,” a non-fiction piece about a time she heated a baby bottle on her in-laws’ stove.  She created an excellent sense of flow in the piece.  Lisa C. then read “Extinguished.” After meeting in the grocery store’s produce section, Javier and Blair share both romance and rage.   

Oliver M. then read a series of thoughts from “An Awesome Mistake.”  His piece featured powerful imagery through phrases such as “a tiny little capsule delivered through the temple.”  Robert O. then read a continuation of his fan fiction work based on My Little Pony.  Many CCWW members commented on his excellent dialogue and use of details in the piece.  

I (Nancy B.) then read “Reclaiming Flames,” a sonnet based on the fire extinguisher prompt.  Members told me the rhythm and rhyme in the piece worked.  Sandra H. then shared “Fire Season,” a poem based on the fire extinguisher prompt.  Her beautifully crafted poem elicited an extremely positive response from the group.  

Michele N. finished the critique session by sharing another installment in her story about Kathryn and Wyatt.  CCWW members commented on her excellent use of detail and her ability to spin a great story.    

Wonderful work, everyone!

Links of interest…

The Race Card Project
Here’s the site Connie K. mentioned at the meeting.

A Romance Contest
Write romance?  In this contest, you submit only your first 35 pages.  Deadline is April 1.

One-Sheet Contest
Looks like a great contest here. 

Prompt for March 26…

Our prompt is…kung fu.  You’re free to write in any genre you like (drama, non-fiction, poetry or fiction).  While there is no length requirement, you’ll want to share a piece that takes no longer than ten minutes to read aloud.  

As always, you’re free to bring a WIP (work-in-progress) if you’d rather.  Please do bring something to share with the group.

Until Tuesday, March 26, happy writing!


P.S.  CCWW is on Facebook!  Please join our Callahan Creative Writing Workshop page.