Saturday, July 25, 2015

People Watching

This fun activity can be done, anywhere. That’s right, just step outside your door and there they are, the strange, the beautiful creatures that occupy much of our planet.   The habits of these creatures are fascinating.  They are often humorous, without even trying.

Listening to the dialogue of these humanoid subjects can be quite amusing.  Some seem to have made up their own special language.  Others use gestures to communicate without saying a word.  The dialect varies according to location.   A perfect place to hear a variety of accents and languages is Disney World. I, for one, love to hear small children visiting from England speaking to their parental units. Even when they whine, it sounds simply adorable, “Mummy, Mummy, please, please may I have it?”.   Restaurants and Diners are wonderful places to listen to conversations.  I love to hear small children carry on a conversation, especially when they don’t know you are listening, they are extremely entertaining.

The mall is also a choice place to observe the habits of these subjects.  You will see young ones being pushed along in strollers, and older ones trudging along at their own pace, carefully avoiding being mowed down by the younger ones.  There are security officers who keep a watchful eye over the scene. Sales people are present, trying desperately to get someone to listen to their pitch.   Take a seat on a bench and watch the parade; each one different, each one with a story of their own.

Your place of work is also an excellent source for noticing the habits of others.  Most likely you spend a great deal of time with these individuals.  You see them every day but may not give too much thought to the way they approach life.  Take time to listen, watch and learn from other people.  Some lessons are definitely, What Not to Do, but you never know when you might pick up a tip that will make your life easier.

So when you are out and about, take a note pad, pretend you are on a surveillance assignment, and write down everything you see and hear.  You could meet the next character for a story, just waiting to be discovered or you might just get a funny story to tell.

Homework (Choose any or all) :

1.        Describe an amusing conversation you overheard.
2.        Detail the most outlandish outfit you have seen in public.
3.        Give an example of a lesson you learned by watching someone else.
4.       Tell us what your favorite place to people watch is.
5.       Has there been a time when you have developed a character and then later observed someone who seemed to fit the bill? Tell us about it.

I am excited about our upcoming sessions! Hope to see you there!

Until Next Time,

Lisa M. Crosby   

Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Start of CCWW's Fifth Year

Thursday, July 23, 2015


We will start our fifth year of creative writing workshops on Tuesday, August 18 at 6:15 p.m. inside the Callahan Branch Library. We will offer two six-week sessions this fall. The first session runs from Tuesday, August 18 through Tuesday, September 22. The second session runs from October 13 through November 17.

The workshop remains free, but if you'd like to take part, please reserve a spot with Nancy B., Lisa C. or Michele N. We cap the group at 15.

Here's our updated flyer giving you a little more information about our group.

Hope to see you on August 18th!

~Nancy B.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

America the Beautiful

Happy 238th Birthday, Old Woman! Your age is definitely showing. The sad part is the deep set wrinkles, the cracks and crevices, we have put them there ourselves.  The ditches are rooted deep and the gap is widening. People, People, People, do we not remember, “United We Stand, Divided We Fall”.  A foundation that is cracked and crumbling is weak. All the fighting amongst ourselves, leaves us vulnerable to outsiders. So let’s get it together!  As Americans, we have the right to our own beliefs and opinions but we still need to be able to put those aside and stand together as a nation.  Many people have given their lives for our freedoms and we need to be thankful for their sacrifice.  

Yes, our nation is flawed and yes, there are things that need to change.  Do what you can, use your voice to stand for what you believe in but love your neighbor all the while.
But as flawed as our nation is, it is still a wonderful place to live. We have been exploring other countries this summer in camp.  The more I learn about other places, the more I love the country in which I live.  I did not have to make a house for myself out of bamboo and mud. I do not daily have to hunt and scrounge for food. I am in no way starving. I wasn’t forced to work for little or no pay. I did not even have to consider that the place I work might be bombed at any second.  Our government doesn’t regulate how many children you can have. We still have freedom to worship as we choose.  We, as a whole, have much much than we need and other places people struggle just to survive.   

So, I am extremely thankful for my country. Do I agree with everything that the powers that be decide, of course not, who does?  But for now, for today, let’s unite and be thankful to live in a place where for now at least, we are still mostly free.  

America the Beautiful

O beautiful for spacious skies,

                                                           For amber waves of grain, 

                                                        For purple mountain majesties 

Above the fruited plain!

                                                                   America! America! 
                                                            God shed his grace on thee 

And crown thy good with brotherhood

                                                             From sea to shining sea! 

                 Happy Birthday, America!

Thank you to all who have serve and protect our nation! Have a Happy and Safe 4th! Hope you are enjoying your summer, it is slipping away! 

Some Questions:
1.      What is your favorite 4th memory?
2.      What is your favorite American dish?
3.     Where in America do you enjoy vacationing most? And Why?
4.     What about America inspires you to write?
5.     If you were President, what would you do to ensure our country remains united and free?
Please respond on the comment section below or on Facebook. Thanks!


Lisa M. Crosby