Monday, October 22, 2012

Recap of October 16 Callahan Creative Writing Workshop

We held our third Callahan Creative Writing Workshop of the final fall session Tuesday evening, October 16.  Fourteen writers attended.     

Lynn R. taught a mini-lesson on speed reading.  Several CCWW members came early to hear her.  Next Tuesday, I’ll share an effective brainstorming method called mind mapping.

Here’s what happened…
We started the workshop with a 10-minute writing warm-up.  I’ll list the topics here in case you want to do them at home:

1.         Write about your relationship with technology.  Is it healthy?  Why or why not?
2.         Continue the phrase, “Dan mopped the floor twice that day….”
3.         Write a poem about October.
4.         Name your three favorite books of all time.  Why are they favorites?

A few of us shared our responses.  We then introduced ourselves, shared good news and exchanged information. 

CCWW member, Sandra H., has a piece on a porcelain collection at the Cummer Museum published in 904 Magazine.  Hooray, Sandra! 

Next, we broke into two groups and proceeded with our critique sessions.  Many writers wrote pieces based on songs.    

Links/Markets of Interest…

Contest Tip Sheet
Thinking of entering a writing contest?  You might want to read this tip sheet from Cassell Network of Writers.  Lots of information if you scroll all the way down.

More here: 


A potential market for some of your writing
“The American Reader” is seeking fiction and poetry submissions.  Click on their “Contact Us” tab for more information.

Ever wonder what editors are thinking?
Here’s an interview with an editor of “Mad Scientist Journal.”


Our next meeting and the prompts…
Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 23 at 6:15 PM.  Please come at 6 PM if you’d like to hear my mini-lesson on mind mapping. 

The first prompt is…xenophobia.  Feel free to write in any genre you like (poetry, non-fiction, drama, fiction, etc.). 

The second prompt is to write a short story of 1000 words or less in which at least one character suffers from narcolepsy.    

Feel free to bring a work-in-progress (WIP) if you’d rather.  

Please do write something to share with us.  

Until Tuesday, happy writing!


P.S.  CCWW will not meet Election Day, November 6.    

Sunday, July 29, 2012

A new year of writing

I hope you're having a great summer.  It's been hot (nearly 100 degrees) for the past few days here in Florida.  Not that I don't love it.  We Floridians know we have to go through the heat and humidity to reach the other side.  The other side being the sultry days in late August, September and October.

In any case, this Tuesday, July 31 at 6:15 PM, we will start our second year of the Callahan Creative Writing Workshop.  I look forward to hearing everyone's updates on their summer writing goals.  I met all three of mine.

My first goal was to enter the Guideposts writing contest, which I did.  My second goal was to enter the Books of Hope writing contest, which I also did.  I found out not too long ago I am a finalist in the Books of Hope fiction contest.  My third goal was to pitch my inspirational romance to an editor or agent, which I did back in late June.  

Our new year starts officially on Tuesday, August 7.  We'll meet for 6 Tuesday nights, take a 2-week break, and then meet for 6 more Tuesday nights.  That will take us up to the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.

I'll work on a spring meeting schedule soon.